Artworks in stock

Opening hours: Wed-Fri: 12-17 // Sat: 11-15

Closed for holidays 15.07 - 30.07

Carsten Frank - Back to Nature

Slut dato: 2020-06-06

The working title of the exhibition has been:
"BTN-Back to nature"

It is an ambiguous title, which is partly a desire for us humans to return to our very necessary root, namely nature, and the natural.
I would argue that nature is, in fact, man's only real ally in this confused world we live in.
Finally, the title covers inspirations and interpretations of the landscapes that meet me and which I expose to my very own artistic analysis.
This time my audience meets new works from southern Spain, from the cool north Atlantic in Iceland, and also new works from the Danish nature.
Urbanism also appears in some works.