Artworks in stock

Opening hours: Wed-Fri: 12-17 // Sat: 11-15

Closed for holidays 15.07 - 30.07


Slut dato: 2023-08-12


10.06 - 12.08

WAOU 23 is Galleri NB's big summer investment in a great exhibition. We exhibit the gallery's artists, as well as a number of guests, who present a sharp selection (up to 5 works per artist) within painting, sculpture, installation and graphics.

The following artists are exhibiting:

Andrea Damp

Ann-Lisbeth Sanvig

Beate Höing

Carsten Frank

Daniela Schönemann

Elle-Mie Ejdrup Hansen 

Henrik Kleppe

John Reuss

Krestine Harboe

Marius Martinussen


Nana RHB

Paul Smulders

Petter Alexander Hepsø

Sabine Beyerle

Steen Larsen

Toon Berghahn

Vilmantas Marcinkevicius