Artworks in stock

Opening hours: Wed-Fri: 12-17 // Sat: 11-15

Closed for holidays 15.07 - 30.07

04.01 2023 - 21.01 2023
Slut dato: 2023-01-21

Square Beads

06.01 - 21.01

Square Beads – an impossible title, unless in this case we are thinking of paintings, collages and hand-coloured etchings. Not only are these selected artworks square, but so is the hanging, as the artworks are presented in distinctive blocks.

In this context, the word pearls refers to artistic pearls, which the artists Nana RH Bastrup, Marius Martinussen and Vilmantas are behind.

All photos have individual links to the artworks:

Nana RH Bastrup

Exhibition view

Nana RH Bastrup, Untitled, 34 x 46 cm with frame, 2013 

Nana Rosenørn Holland Bastrup (b.1987). The series (Vienna Color Affairs) was created in 2013, when Nana RH Bastrup was on exchange at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Vienna. Here she worked on a series of collages/drawings where she explored the fields of tension and dynamics between the sexes.

Marius Martinussen

Exhibition view

CROSSHATCHED, 100 x 120 cm, 2022

Marius Martinussen (b. 1978). The series CROSSHATCHED was created with inspiration from the American artist Jasper John (b. 1930), who in the 1960s created a series with the title CROSSHATCHED.
In these paintings, Marius Martinussen has tightened up Jasper John's abstract expression and thus he has achieved an independent artistic expression.


Vilmantas Marcinkevicius

Exhibition view

Vilmantas, The woman who. Created 2009 at Atelje Larsen in Helsingborg

Vilmantas Marcinkevicius (1969). In 2009, Vilmantas produced four impressive four-colour aquatints at the leading intaglio printing house Atelier Larsen in Helsingborg. At the same time, he let 10 of each etching hand color. They immediately have the same figuration as the aquatints, but appear with very different overpaintings and expressions.

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03.12 2022 - 30.12 2022
Slut dato: 2022-12-30

Christmas Stars Exhibition 2022

Christmas is associated with smiles and gifts – big and small. It is the feast of the heart and the joy of having a real work of art - can beat anything.

Galleri NB therefore makes a great effort to ensure that the smiles can grow in the month of December, when the artists present their selected works in the gallery.

In fact, the exhibition is so comprehensive that one can spend a long time studying the many paintings, sculptures and graphic works.

Among the most well-known international artists, you can see new artworks by:


Andrea Damp

Beate Höing

Carsten Frank

Krestine Harboe

Claes Otto Jennow

Henrik Kleppe

John Reuss 

Marius Martinussen

Nana Rosenørn Holland Bastrup

Paul Smulders 

Sabine Beyerle

Steen Larsen

Toon Berghahn


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06.11 2022 - 27.11 2022
Slut dato: 2022-11-27

Et Vice Versa

06.11 - 27.11

Links to the artworks

Galleri NB celebrates 25 years of collaboration with Paul Smulders

It is time to celebrate that Paul Smulders and Thorkild NB Nielsen joined forces 25 years ago. Thanks to a local art collector who established the contact, we immediately made the first exhibition - the first of many - showing works by Paul Smulders in Galleri NB, Viborg.

Thorkild NB and Paul Smulders in dialogue about the exhibition Et Vice Versa

25 years of collaboration
The year was 1997 and at that point in time the gallery was in a phase with presentations of several emerging young artists. Far from everyone got a chance to continue working with Galleri NB, but Paul Smulders was standing out from the crowd. His fat, heavy technique due to a combination of acrylic, oil and alkyd, added a magnificent power to his artistic expressions. And so he continued being represented by Galleri NB. The collab continued under great awareness, and ever since 1997 he has been a permanent artist within the gallery.  

Paul Smulders works in his studio in the heart of Amsterdam. Surrounded by a union of people, water, canals, city and nature, themes for generating art works are easy accessable for him. During the years he has developled his mode of expression. Often it is adapted to a certain theme which he seeks to unfold. In the beginning he had his focus on people's characteristica. Later on these persons appeared in contexts with buildings, industry, technology and a growing dynamic between depth and movement.

Paul Smulders, Untitled, 110 x 120 cm, Alkyd, oil and akryl on canvas, 2003

Around 2014 Paul Smulders changed his theme. The previous themes had been discovered, and he found a growing interest for nature and its infinite possibilities in bringing inspiration and artistically development to the table. 
He explored and adopted nature, yet he did not wish to replicate it but rather using it as a inspiration for imaginative motifs. Typically for Smulders, he made a series depiciting paintings with a water surface and no horizon. The reflection was the element that he truly wished to reproduce. 

Paul Smulders, Untitled, Oil and acrylic on canvas, 130 x 120 cm, 2022

As of late, Paul Smulders cease to express his adventures by the lake, its transparancy and its almost meditative movements on the surface. Naturally these themes informs the newest works shown at the jubilee exhibition at Galleri NB.

Et Vice Versa
The coming exhibition with the title Et Vice Versa, is without any doubt Paul Smulders' biggest solo exhibition to date. Not only will he demonstrate the past 1,5 years of works in MAIN gallery, but he will also show a series of pieces kindly borrowed by art collectors. This can be explored in a retrospective section within the gallery. In that way a connection is made between past and present, which is what the title Et Vice Versa refers to.

The exhibition is immense and a book made by Paul Smulders is supporting its capacity. The book title, Et Vice Versa, does in scope and in content provide knowledge about the artist's development and the collaboration with Galleri NB.

Show and book release

The exhibition opens Sunday the 6th of November. The following Sunday the 13th of November from 14-16, Paul Smulders will be present in a celebrative Grand Opening including a walk through the exhibition. It will also be possible to buy the book and get it signed by Paul Smulders. 

The exhibition is open until Sunday the 27th of November.

Videolink with introduction to the exhibition by Paul Smulders

Link to PDF of the book.

Et Vice Versa, Jubilee book, 170 s. 22 x 22 cm with cover. Price kr. 300,-.
If you want to buy -use this link:

Paul Smulders signes the books Sunday the 13th of November at 14-16


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