- Slut dato: 2023-11-25
Toon Berghahn
04.11 – 25.11
Luminous Traces
The Dutch visual artist Toon Berghahn is current in the upcoming exhibition "Luminous Traces", which will be shown at gallery NB from November 4th. Toon has been part of the gallery for 10 years, and it is therefore a great pleasure that we can open this exciting exhibition, which shows Toon's special abilities as a visual artist, says gallerist Thorkild NB Nielsen
Toon Berghahn is interested in the memories of Life. He is interested in places that we humans relates to. Places we can feel at home, and places that can take us back to a special memory. It could be the first kiss at a bus stop, a journey or perhaps a home. In Tons artworks, the presence of man is only hinted by the traces that man has left. By depriving the works of a direct human story, he gives these paintings a wider meaning. Toon thereby invites you into an open interpretation.
Common to the works is the human construction in the form of houses and constructed buildings. Toon has a speciel talent in design and architecture, and his inspiration from the Bauhaus school is clear. There is a focus on function and form in his works. This is emphasized by Toon's use of MDF boards as a base, and his use of carved MDF elements in the picture frame, which not only create shadows on the painting, but also create special depths in the motifs and emphasize the form in the construction. Where Toon in his constructions is inspired by the Bauhaus school, he uses Romanticism as a reference in the presentation of nature. Toon has a special ability to present nature as alive and almost enchanting, and nature then becomes a contrast to the functional constructions.
Toon's way of showing the human constructions in nature gives the works a tension or duality. Nature is beautiful, but it is also dominant, and in several of the works it feels as if nature is about to take over the human constructions. The question is whether the constructions can protect man from nature. And in addition to this, one might want to ask if man can protect himself from nature? Toon manages to show this current theme in an undramatic way, where the viewer is invited into a place that can be experienced as a memory, but at the same time you can experience a tension towards the nature.
Toon has a very special ability to invite the viewer into his works. With the alluring properties of light, he increases our curiosity. He is particularly fascinated by twilight, and in his works the special atmosphere that twilight provides is experienced. With this light we can see the beauty in the elements, but the light also creates an uneasiness and a tension in the images. In this way, the light helps to underpin the duality that characterizes the exhibition. Toon Berghahn has chosen the title Luminous Traces, and there is no doubt that the works with their luminous traces invite us into both personal and more universal themes, which makes this exhibition and not at least the artist particularly interesting.
Artist: Toon Berghahn
Dates: 04.11 - 25.11
Title: Luminous Traces
Videolink: Toon Berghahn about Luminous Traces
Opening: Saturday 4 November at 14-16 with participation and introduction at 14.15 by Toon Berghahn
See more >
- Slut dato: 2023-10-28
Sabine Beyerle
Follow The Sun
07.10 - 28.10
The artistic globetrotter Sabine Beyerle travels the world to find inspiration for her paintings.
On top of that, she exhibits globally from Berlin, to Taiwan and Burning Man in Nevada.
Sabine Beyerle in her studio - link to the artworks
From 7 October she is currently in Galleri NB, Viborg with the exhibition Follow The Sun. A large and beautiful exhibition which emphasizes her interest in different environments around the world. Even so, it is surprising that the largest work in the exhibition in Gallery NB is inspired by the large rhododendron bed at Borgvold in Viborg. A painting that exudes sunlight and atmosphere in a clearing in the middle of the giant rhododendron bed.
Sabine says: We all feel the changing forces of nature, and the challenges can seem so overwhelming that they are difficult to understand and describe. Art can do something special here because it is thought-provoking. It allows us to relate to the reality we find ourselves in. With its universal language that transcends national borders, social boundaries and beliefs, art can accommodate complexity and thereby creates a unique space for reflection.
With the exhibition Follow The Sun, the artist Sabine Beyerle invites you into the space of nature or the world of nature. Sabine invites you to join her in celebrating nature's beauty and the sun's enduring influence, embracing the unpredictability of the world. It is an exhibition which shows nature's decay, renewal and thereby the transformative forces in the world.
Regarding the title Follow The Sun, Sabine Beyerle says: I chose the title Follow the Sun for my exhibition as sunlight is not only an important companion in our life but also has a great impact on how we see the world. It gives structure but also comfort and warmth, like plants, we orientate ourselves towards it and move along its path. The Sun gives us light and shadow, it creates dark and bright forms and shapes.
The sun, with its ever-shifting presence, serves as a reminder to the endless changing cycles of nature. It brings light and darkness, vitality, as well as growth and decay. Without the sun there would be no renewal in our world. In my paintings I am trying to follow up on these transformative powers of the natural world.
I work with a diverse range of mediums, from vivid oil paintings that capture the sun's brilliance to delicate watercolors combined with ink, that explore the nuances of the light as well as its contrasts. I observe structures, patterns, contrasts and colors closely and I try to integrate the wild untamable forces of nature into my paintings. I work with photos that I took myself and closely follow on the details I can see.
As I paint, I merge elements of the real world with abstract brushstrokes that are more intuitive, sometimes even accidental. By doing so, I invite an element of the uncontrollable into my work, allowing room for multiple layers of meaning. These abstract brushstrokes may symbolize growth, movement, rhythm, perhaps the influence of the wind or simply the forces of transformation.
There is no doubt that Sabine creates a unique space of reflection with her fascinating paintings, where you are invited to feel and embrace the unpredictability of the world. Through intuitive brushstrokes, careful structures and patterns, we feel the beauty of nature, but also the wild forces. With this, Sabine manages to create a liveliness that only a few artists manage to add to the picture surface.
Artist: Sabine Beyerle (DE)
Dates: 07.10 – 28.10
Title: Follow The Sun
Introduction video: Link - Studio talk with Sabine Beyerle
Opening: Saturday 7 October at 14-16 with participation and introduction at 14.15 by Sabine Beyerle
See more >- Slut dato: 2023-09-23
Memory Lane
19.08 - 23.09
Galleri NB has the pleasure of presenting the special exhibition Memory Lane at the behest of gallerist Thorkild NB Nielsen's birthday, which is celebrated in the gallery September 8th at 14:00-17:00. The exhibition opens on Saturday 19 of August and will offer an inspiring mix of artistic retrospectives and exciting future perspectives.
Galleri NB has been a central player in the art world since its opening in 1987, and in the past 36 years the gallery has presented an impressive range of exciting artists and unique artistic experiences.
Memory Lane will present carefully selected works from artists who have worked closely with Thorkild and Galleri NB over the years. Among the retrospective artists who will be honored are Kjell Nupen, Jacob Brostrup, Sergie Sviatchenko, Kári Svensson, Lis Andersen, Ole Tersløse, Anne Vilsbøll, Mette Rishøj, Elle-Mie Ejdrup Hansen, Walter Barrientos, Robert Jacobsen, Gry Hege Rinaldo and Henrik Kleppe.
Galleri NB has always valued long-term collaborations, and as a tribute to their commitment, current works from artists with whom the gallery has worked closely for more than 10 years will of course also be exhibited. Among these artists are Vilmantas, Nana RHB, Andrea Damp, Carsten Frank, John Reuss, Toon Berghahn, Paul Smulders, Marius Martinussen, Sabine Beyerle and Steen Larsen.
We are proud to celebrate Thorkild NB Nielsen's 70 years birthday with the Memory Lane exhibition. It is a fantastic opportunity to reflect on the many memorable moments we have shared with artists and art lovers over the years, said the gallerist, adding: We look forward to welcoming you to the gallery and sharing our passion for art with as many as possible.
The exhibition Memory Lane opens its doors on Saturday August 19th and will run until Saturday September 23d. All those interested in art are invited to participate in the celebration of a long and exciting career in the art world.
About Gallery NB:
Galleri NB, founded in 1987, is the leading art gallery in Viborg. Over the years, the gallery has established itself as a valuable platform for renowned as well as upcoming artists who exhibit a wide range of artworks, including painting, sculpture, graphics and photography. Galleri NB has fundamentally always strived to share the joy of valuable art with as many people as possible.
Memory Lane
The exhibited works can be seen under the individual artists.
Link: Artists