Artworks in stock

Opening hours: Wed-Fri: 12-17 // Sat: 11-15

Closed for holidays 15.07 - 30.07

13.01 2024 - 24.02 2024
Slut dato: 2024-02-24

Art in Nature and Humaity
- Galleri NB presents a thoughtful exhibition

Galleri NB looks forward to the upcoming exhibition with the theme "Art in Nature and Man," which will take place from January 13 to February 24.

The exhibition focuses on artists who explore and convey their interpretations of the relationship between man and nature. Through the open title, Galleri NB seeks to stimulate dialogue around topics such as pollution, climate change, love and respect between man and nature, as well as our fundamental devotion to nature.

The exhibition will present several facets of different artistic expressions, including paintings, installation, works on paper. In particular, the works of Sabine Beyerle, Hugo Tieleman, Paul Smulders, René Holm, Andrea Damp and Vilmantas will impress the visitors. The works, with their individual beauty, challenge the visitors' intellect at the same time, as they are also inspiring and by delving deeper into the expression of the artworks, they also create deeper feelings and a stronger connection between art and society's current challenges.

Photolinks to the artists:

René Holm -Guest


Sabine Beyerle

Paul Smulders

Hugo Tieleman

Andrea Damp

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02.12 2023 - 30.12 2023
Slut dato: 2023-12-30

Christmas Stars Exhibition

02.12 - 30.12

Christmas is associated with smiles and gifts – big or small. It is the feast of the heart and the joy of getting a real work of art - can beat anything.

This year, the Christmas exhibition will feature a lot of selected works by the gallery's artists.
Paintings, sculptures and graphic works are mixed in such a way that all needs can be met to have an artistic experience and find inspiration for the unique gift for yourself or others.

Among the well-known international artists, you can see new artworks by:

Photo-links gives access to the artworks of the artist: 


Andrea Damp


Ann-Lisbeth Sanvig  

Beate Höing


Carsten Frank


Krestine Harboe



Claes Otto Jennow


Henrik Kleppe


Hugo Tieleman 


John Reuss 


Marius Martinussen


Nana Rosenørn Holland Bastrup


Paul Smulders 


Sabine Beyerle

Sandor Szasz 

Steen Larsen


Toon Berghahn




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04.11 2023 - 25.11 2023
Slut dato: 2023-11-25

Toon Berghahn

04.11 – 25.11

Luminous Traces

The Dutch visual artist Toon Berghahn is current in the upcoming exhibition "Luminous Traces", which will be shown at gallery NB from November 4th. Toon has been part of the gallery for 10 years, and it is therefore a great pleasure that we can open this exciting exhibition, which shows Toon's special abilities as a visual artist, says gallerist Thorkild NB Nielsen

Link to the artworks

Toon Berghahn is interested in the memories of Life. He is interested in places that we humans relates to. Places we can feel at home, and places that can take us back to a special memory. It could be the first kiss at a bus stop, a journey or perhaps a home. In Tons artworks, the presence of man is only hinted by the traces that man has left. By depriving the works of a direct human story, he gives these paintings a wider meaning. Toon thereby invites you into an open interpretation. 

Common to the works is the human construction in the form of houses and constructed buildings. Toon has a speciel talent in design and architecture, and his inspiration from the Bauhaus school is clear. There is a focus on function and form in his works. This is emphasized by Toon's use of MDF boards as a base, and his use of carved MDF elements in the picture frame, which not only create shadows on the painting, but also create special depths in the motifs and emphasize the form in the construction. Where Toon in his constructions is inspired by the Bauhaus school, he uses Romanticism as a reference in the presentation of nature. Toon has a special ability to present nature as alive and almost enchanting, and nature then becomes a contrast to the functional constructions.

Toon's way of showing the human constructions in nature gives the works a tension or duality. Nature is beautiful, but it is also dominant, and in several of the works it feels as if nature is about to take over the human constructions. The question is whether the constructions can protect man from nature. And in addition to this, one might want to ask if man can protect himself from nature? Toon manages to show this current theme in an undramatic way, where the viewer is invited into a place that can be experienced as a memory, but at the same time you can experience a tension towards the nature.

 Toon has a very special ability to invite the viewer into his works. With the alluring properties of light, he increases our curiosity. He is particularly fascinated by twilight, and in his works the special atmosphere that twilight provides is experienced. With this light we can see the beauty in the elements, but the light also creates an uneasiness and a tension in the images. In this way, the light helps to underpin the duality that characterizes the exhibition. Toon Berghahn has chosen the title Luminous Traces, and there is no doubt that the works with their luminous traces invite us into both personal and more universal themes, which makes this exhibition and not at least the artist particularly interesting.



Artist: Toon Berghahn

Dates: 04.11 - 25.11

Title: Luminous Traces

Videolink: Toon Berghahn about Luminous Traces

Opening: Saturday 4 November at 14-16 with participation and introduction at 14.15 by Toon Berghahn


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